

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” – Anne Ritchie

With new trends and platforms evolving and transforming our business, it’s essential to stay on top of your game. I can support in-house training on specific issues relevant for your business, and have led interactive training sessions on social media and digital marketing for numerous businesses, associations and political groups.

All my training sessions are tailored to your needs. Once we agree on a key area of focus, I will customise the training sessions with research on your company, sector, competitors and target audience in order to ensure everything you learn will have maximum benefit to your business.

Whether you’re looking to build your online reputation, train your executive team on social media or explore new digital advocacy techniques, get in touch and I will be pleased to help.



Following a full overview of your needs and challenges, a customised curriculum will be developped in order to guarantee the success of the programme.


Without interaction and participation, a training course will have minimal long-term impact. I will make sure that our training sessions include full interactivity, whether it is online or in person.


Although online courses are available and offer a low-cost alternative, in-house training can support online sessions and help to add depth and personalisation.


Continued communications and support ensure that new skills and techniques are fully adopted within the organisation.


Nicholas is a great team motivator and skillful professional able to develop and implement a successful strategy at any moment and in any market.

Massimiliano Brigida – Convergent Marketing

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